How long does shipping take?
It takes 1-2 business days to process your order in our warehouse, and you may expect your package to be delivered within 3-7 business days of the shipping date to a U.S. address.
How do I track my order?
When your order ships, we will contact you with a shipping confirmation and tracking information. You can TRACK YOUR ORDER HERE or in you account under Order History. Just select the order you would like to track and click on the "Track Package" button.
How can I return an item?
Returns are easy and convenient! To process a return or exchange, you just need to follow these 5 simple steps:
1. Contact our helpdesk at help@walkpop.com and request your return label
2. The items must be sent back in their new, unworn condition* within 30 days of delivery.
3. Repack items in their original packaging and seal the box securely with tape. If your poly-mailer is not reusable, simply send your items in the Walkpop box.
4. Print your pre-paid Return Label and affix to your the package. Make sure to cover or remove any original shipping information
5. Schedule a pickup, give the package to your mailman, drop it in your mailbox, at work or at a post office without waiting in line. Allow 30 days for us to process your request upon receipt.
How long does it take to process a return?
Returns are typically processed within 30 days when you drop the package in the mail. You will be refunded once the return gets processed by our warehouses.
I received an incorrect, incomplete or damaged order. What do I do?
You can contact our team by sending an email at help@walkpop.com with the order number and the missing, incorrect or damaged item's name. We'll be more than happy to help!
Have questions?
Email us at help@walkpop.com
and we’d be more than happy to help.